Date of publication: piątek, 17 marzec 2023

Below is a list of things that you can do right away to start your fight for a better sleep and recovery.

Changing eating habits - e.g. dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Necessary reduction of overweight - sometimes even a drop in body weight by a few or a dozen or so kg is important in the fight against OSA.

Regular bedtime - sleep on the right side or stomach, sleeping on the back is contraindicated.

Tip* How to effectively and once and for all stop sleeping on your back?

The answer is simple - a tennis ball sewn into the back of pajamas counteracts it :) Proper body position prevents mild apnea!

Cessation of smoking.

Stop using sleeping pills - Medicines reduce muscle tone.

Treatment with an air prosthesis, i.e. a device for the treatment of sleep apnea - the method of choice in every form of OSA, snoring and apnea disappear, the correct structure of sleep returns, proper oxygenation of the body and the symptoms of fatigue and drowsiness disappear.

We have the following types of machines to choose from:

- CPAP - air forced into the lungs overnight at a set increased pressure

— auto CPAP — the prosthesis distinguishes the phases of breathing, automatically adjusts the pressure to the current one upper respiratory tract resistance and enables treatment control

- BiPAP - exhalation pressure is lower, which makes sleeping more comfortable

Treatment with dental prostheses (calculus) - expanding the space of the throat:

— fixed prostheses in one position

— prostheses with adjustable mandible protrusion

Surgical treatment, including:

— in children surgery for overgrown third tonsil

— correction of deviated nasal septum

— removal of overgrown palatine or pharyngeal tonsils, polyps

— plastic surgery of the soft palate

Laser therapy:

- reducing the uvula i

— partial reduction of the soft palate

Radiofrequency therapy

- reduction of the uvula

— partial reduction of the soft palate.

Today is the day to face the problem of sleep apnea :)