Bunions - causes, symptoms, treatment of hallux valgus

Date of publication: piątek, 3 grudzień 2021
Bunions - causes, symptoms, treatment of hallux valgus

Hallux valgus, is a disease whose symptom is a deformation of the foot consisting in a significant deviation of the toe outwards and the simultaneous deviation of the first metatarsal bone towards the inner edge of the foot. Bunions are not only a cosmetic defect, but also a health problem.

What exactly are bunions?

A bunion is a deformation of the big toe in the first metatarsophalangeal joint. This condition is also called hallux valgus. A characteristic arrangement in the form of a distinct protrusion of the head of the first metatarsal bone towards the medial direction is then visible.

What are they made of?

This type of deformity affects women much more often than men. It can occur on one or both sides. The causes of bunions can be both congenital and acquired. The following factors predisposing to this deformation are:

  • rheumatic diseases,
  • bad movement habits,
  • wrong footwear (too narrow front part of the shoe),
  • impairment of mechanics of the musculo-ligamentous-joint apparatus.

The weakening of the long sagittal muscle and defects in the lower extremities, such as longitudinal flat feet often coexisting with transverse flat feet, are very important for the formation of halluxes on the feet.

What are they showing up?

  • pain in hallux, i.e. anterior-medial pain in the forefoot (foot pain),
  • palpation tenderness,
  • morning feeling of stiffness in fingers and / or feet,
  • characteristic hammer-like setting of fingers 2–5,
  • appearing thickenings of the epidermis, corns, growths, calluses,
  • limiting the range of motion of the big toe,
  • nerve conduction disturbances in the form of numbness on the dorsal side of the foot,
  • often symptoms of inflammation of the hallux.

How to cure bunions?

Treatment of valgus hallux can be divided into conservative and operative. The doctor decides how to qualify the patient after conducting the tests. The best effects should be expected when undertaking therapeutic measures already when the onset of the described distortions is observed.

What to use?

The separator is recommended when we observe the onset of bunions. It allows for the isolation of painful calluses and calluses, allows the fingers to be separated and is very comfortable. The popular hallux interdigital wedges have similar properties and are made of flexible materials that can be easily adjusted.